Friday, December 10, 2010


Meet my new toy:

I'm trying to include more RAW VEGAN food into our diet.
So, I decided to buy a Spiral Vegetable Slicer.

The first thing I wanted to play with was zucchini.
Enter last night's Dinner:
Simple, easy, and so delicious.

For the zucchini, wash and dry.
Cut the ends and spiral with the slicer.
Keep spirals in a bowl at room temperature.
No need to cook, just serve as is.

For the sauce, I used the marinara sauce recipe from Vegan on the Cheap by Robin Robertson: Books.
It's sweet and super thick.

To plate, just top the zucchini with the sauce and dig in!!!
*Make sure not to mix zucchini and sauce until ready to serve.
If the zucchini sits in the sauce too long, it will become soft and limp.*

I can't wait to play with more vegetables, especially potatoes!!!

Any suggestions on what to do with the leftover zucchini?

1 comment:

Girl on Raw said...

Hee hee hee, the comedy pieces of zucchini LOL!

I love my turning slicer and you can even get into Thai and Asian style marinades on your zucchini and jicama noodles too :)